272. 2006, the year that flashed by

2007-01-01 04:18:26

Another 4 hours , and year 2006 will be gone. 

Much accomplished, much to be accomplished.

I have not updated this blog as regularly as I did before.  Much of what I have always wanted to do is now being done everyday.  What would you call it? A state of content?  Don’t know, not sure, can’t be.  But in a world of frenziness and actions, words can seem to be too light. 

But weighty words and thoughts tire a person’s mind easily and thoroughly.  Action in comparison is so much lighter.

Much to think, much to act, much to create and, yes, to destroy in the process.

I wish all of you a happy new year.  Whatever 2007 might bring, it will be a new one like never before, until 2008 comes.

How many never live to see 2007? And one day, I will not live to see a particular year.  In the years between, which we all have, may fate and luck smile on you and me.


271. 到处都是屏幕

273. E.B. White