456. 舞剧的脚本

2010-09-21 02:00:46

Yuri Possokhov,曾经的芭蕾明星,现在的编舞者。我很喜欢他的富有情感的作品。他热爱日本设计和艺术的极度精致典雅,也好奇同样是这个国家产出着这么多各色的AV片。他想排个关于日本的舞剧。

























(很长很热烈的双人舞. Grand Pas de Deux)

























30 minutes Ballet Piece

The Golden Pavilion


This is based on a historical incident. The golden pavilion of Kyoto,
one thousand year old and a national treasure, was burned down by an
young monk a couple hundreds years ago, reason unknown. The golden
pavilion that we see today was a rebuilt one.

This is a completely imagined story. It is about the woman who caused
the pavilion to get burned down.

Time: four hundreds year ago. The “warring state” age of Japan was
about to come to an end. Samurais and princesses. Legends were still
being made.

The Golden Pavilion

Scene 1, the courtyard of the Golden Pavilion temple. Spring time.
Cherry was in full blossom. The golden pavilion old but still

The wedding day.

The Princess is to wed the Samurai today. First entered the Samurai,
and his Aide. Then his full retinue, all male, and they were all
samurai of various rank. They looked elegant, refined and lethal, in
colorful and
heavy silk gowns. They were happy. Then entered the princess, her
governess, and her retinue, all female. She’s dressed in most refined
style. (pas de deux the Samurai and the Princess) Everyone was happy for the
big day. It was also obvious that all the girls were in love with the
Samurai, and the men with the Princess, especially the Aide (a short
pas de deux, the Princess and the Aide) Dances, love, the spring time and the
falling of the cherry flowers, etc. The wedding ceremony. A good start
of a happy life.

Entered a messenger.

The order came from the shogun that the Samurai must leave at once to
the war in Korea. The men all got into armours and took the swords.
The sad separation of the lovers. Goodbyes. Wish for safety. Vows for
eternal love and being faithful, etc.

Change of scenes, the background LED shows the passing of time, spring
into summer and fall and winter, and spring again. The princess
remains on stage in her full wedding dress. Years pass. Her husband
still has not returned. She was unhappy.

Then, Scene 2, the Golden Pavilion Temple. Fall. Another year. The
golden pavilion in the background, looking older and badly in need of

(color: white.)

The princess now comes to live in the golden pavilion temple. To pray
for the safe return of her husband, she has decided to renovate the
ancicent golden pavilion that has fallen into desrepair during the
constant wars. She was pure, serene, in control, etc. In silver silk

An young Monk (dark linen, monk’s long dress) accidentally met the
princess. (A note here: Japanese monks often come from the noble and
sometimes from the royal family. ) The Princess was shocked that the
Monk looked just like her husband, the Samurai faraway fighting a long war.
They were immediately attracted to each other. Very intensely so.

After a long and heated pas de deux, The princess put her feeling
under control. The monk was less successful in hiding his feeling.

Back in control of her emotions, the princess left.

Night fell. The princess undressed and went into a hot spring for a
bath. Outdoor. Surrounded by stars, moons, bamboos, orchid, sake.
She missed her husband. And she remembered the encounter with the
Monk who looked just like her husband.

The Mmonk, in his burning desire and deliriously in love, crept
into the scene. He went into the steamy hot spring. Loneliness, the
young monk’s likeness to her husband, sake, night, the relaxation of
the hot bath, the princess let down her guard. They made love. (pas de

They were seen by the Governess and the Aide, who happened to carry a
message from the Samurai. They were devastated by what they saw, but
they did not show themselves, and moved away.

Daylight came. The Princess now regained her control, and she regretted.

She pushed out the Monk. She avoided the Monk from then on. The
Princess focused her attention into finishing the renovation work.

(Same scene, but the season changed into snowy winter. )

The golden pavilion was done and shiningly new. Otherworldly
beautiful, sitting near a green lake, it’s golden exterior shining.
Covered in white snow.

The Princess and her companions and the monks celebrated the
completion of the work. She prayed that her husband would now be
safe, with so strong a blessing.

The Monk, rejected by the princess, desperately in a hopeless love,
mad in jealousy, he set fire to the just completed golden pavilion,
and burned himself in it.

Here the LED can show the golden pavilion in fire, and the monk in
great pain, burning with it. The Princess and the Governess and the
monks all witnessed the burning. In horror, everyone turned to look
at the princess. They all knew. She was the curse. She caused the
monk’s madness, and the burning of the treasured golden pavilion,
entirely her fault.

Scene 3. Now at the site of the burned down Golden Pavilion. Ground
covered under snow, white, everywhere white, except for the Charred
and blackened remains of the golden pavilion.

The Princess kneeled on the ground, in deep regret and sorrow. For
the golden pavilion. For the Monk. For her Samurai husband for whom she
had renovated the golden pavilion.

The governess rushed in. Followed by the aide, in deep grief. Then
followed the procession of guards, carrying a coffin. White silky
flags. Followed by chanting monks in mourning. Her husband was dead.
The Samurai had fallen on the battlefield, at precisely the moment
the golden pavilion crashed to the ground in fire.

Both the Samurai and the Monk were dead, and the Golden Pavilion
burned down. She was the cause, the curse. Everyone knew that. The
monks, the guards, the Aide, and her own Governess. They all had loved her
before, but now, the guards and the monks withdrew from the stage in
hateful silence.

Remained on the stage were only the coffin, the princess, the remains
of the golden pavilion, and the aide.

The snow fell. The wind blew. The mourning white flags flew in the
wind. The music.

In deep grief, the princess pulled the short sword from the aide’s
belt, she sat down, and committed the Seppuku.

Last scene: the white snowy ground. Snows fell. The princess lying
dead. The Aide in full samurai armor sat on the stage, holding his long
sword. The background
LED with white snow falling and the black remains of the Golden
Pavilion. And the red blood flowed through the white snow.

455. 南非 三

457. 台北,台北