149. blog it like sex

2006-02-23 07:04:32

Sex must be kept regular, just like blogging. Well, I didn’t say this.  A friend of mine did.  I guess you can always stretch everything to make everything sound like just about anything else.

Relaxing it a little bit, just finished watching "Kids Return." Storyline is pretty much predictable, though the rhythm and music make up a little bit for the banality of the story.  Three high school kids, going separate ways, all ended up not so well.  But the rather unfortunate thing is, one of the three, the one that is actually really quite normal and shy and everything nice, ended up dead.  The baddest kid got hurt the worst, of course. But he is also the one who said, hey, life is just starting.

What is it about blogging? You have got something that you want to let out of your system.  So you just let it out here.  What do I care.  Don’t see how that is similar to sex. 

Keep it regular.  But hell, don’t keep it routine.


148. 土豆继续招人

150. Interesting contemporary