100. 这个乱啊!

2005-12-02 05:02:55


China Herald上面的这篇,土豆和菠萝的,我看得这个头晕啊。


Toodou’s Marc van der Chijs: not shooting

internet - Toodou.com: no legal action against podlook.com

Podcasting is just taking off and competition is heating up. Co-founder Marc van der Chijs of the succesful Chinese podcasting company Toodou.com reacted on an earlier entry in the China Herald on his competitor podlook.com, who was portrait at one of the leaders in Chinese podcasting.
Marc van der Chijs commented:

Coincidence? The logo is almost the same as the Toodou.com original logo (a potato with a headphone) that we used until video’s became bigger than audio files. And the name (pineapple in Chinese) also has some similarity to Toodou’s potato.

All this is no reason for legal action, Van der Chijs says in a reaction. While his competitor claims to host 15,000 podcasts, Toodou says it has 17,000 entries, increasingly video’s.
Van der Chijs: Podlook is not really competition, more a directory like the American podcastalley.com.
He also mentions that Toodou has picked by the Chinese Fortune magazine as one of the 50 fastest-growing companies this month and was picked by the Chinese weekly San Lian as one of the top-5 innovative websites.
Now Toodou is working with a TV-serie "Yesterday once more" searching for a star. Candidates can send a movie of themselves to the site.


99. Tom Cruise到底是不是Gay?

101. 架顶帐篷好过冬